Now that I've got all this free time while waiting for Mochi (The Moch) to make his entrance, I can finally sit down and go through the bazillion photos that I've taken just for fun or family photos (also known as my poor neglected Side Projects). Some are family events and others are just ideas or things that both Mitch and I wanted to experiment with. Mitch tends to get his side projects more than I get to mine (only because he uses his free time better than I use mine sometimes... (*cough*shoppingonlinereadingaboutbabystuff*cough*). It is hard sometimes though when you shoot 100+ photos at any event or function that's not job related (like my mom's church concert that still hasn't made it out of Lightroom yet).
I'm motivating myself to tackle these sooner than later especially with the Moch on the way (we all know he's going to need his own harddrive or two for his photos alone).
A couple of months ago (yes months I'm horrible -_-) my friends Mel and Mel ( Mel ²) were kind enough to come up to Sausalito and play models for me in their wedding clothes (they were married in January in Maui). I don't really shoot weddings but I thought it would be fun just to run around in formal wear. We had a lot of fun and they were showered with congratulations by strangers and tourists. Someone actually stopped Mel and wanted a photo of a design on her wedding dress for some art piece she was working on (this was Sausalito by the way, home to many Artsy folks).
I forgot how much fun both Mel ² are and only wished we lived closer so we could enjoy them more. Thank you both again so very much for your time and patience.