We took Luke on his first camping trip to Yosemite last weekend and he
loved it!
During the mornings he'd wake up in our tent and smile and stare at the blue ceiling of our very very old tent that Mitch inherited from his Dad who got it from some guy in Nantucket years ago. It's pretty old.
Because the nights were cold he'd snuggled between the both of us and slept in peace knowing that if a bear attacked his parents would be eaten first.
He did some hiking with Dad and some of his friends. This involved him falling asleep and being carried by Dad most of the time.
He even dipped his toes in Mirror lake but cried because the water was too cold. We dipped them twice just to be sure.
Between hikes he spent time laying at our Upper Pine's campsite staring at the trees that towered above him in amazement and daydreamed (probably about climbing them).
The only thing he didn't do was enjoy the campfires. He would fall asleep before it ever got dark enough to start one. He missed out on some really good s'mores. It's okay. I ate his share.
Over all it was a great camping trip and we can't wait to do it again next year! He should be walking by then so he can carry his own backpack ;) That is if we can get him to keep his shoes on and not eat them first.

Hiking with and on Dad to Mirror Lake. Cheers!