I am not a speaker. Or at least a good speaker. In college I took a speech class thinking it would really help me improve my fear of speaking in public. Instead I found myself giving excuses on why I couldn't make it to class; traffic jam (although I was only two blocks away), being hungry, or I really needed to cut my toenails. Eventually I had to drop it but I told myself I'd take it later. That was several years ago.
I don't find myself speaking much in front of people. When I do (even in small groups) I get so flustered.
My face starts burning, my palms sweat enough to wash cars with, and everything moves in slow motion. I hear myself stuttering and a big ball of wailing swells up inside me. Luckily I usually finish in time before I collapse in to a big sobbing puddle of Meg or break out in hives. And this was just me trying to describe a movie the other day!
The reason why I'm bringing this up is that I'm doing a reading at my sister's wedding next month. There's going to be 200+ people there. Thankfully it's a scripture reading and all I need to do is read. I know I'll do a gold star sticker of a job but I can't help just being a wee bit nervous. Just a wee bit.
I suppose I can practice in front of the mirror or picture everyone in their underwear (although that is a lot of people in their knickers sitting in church).
I'm just really glad that I won't be standing directly in front of everyone. So if I do melt I can do it behind a podium. They can shop vac me up later.
To be continued...xoxo
Oh and a picture to look at :)

Mitch showing you the many uses of the 24-70mm. Baby seat.