Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Beach

As a little girl I never got to go to the beach enough. I know living in the central valley and being miles and miles from the beach (actually 100 miles or so, go google maps!) it was kind of hard to go as a kid. But that didn't stop me from loving the beach.

I would imagine listening to the waves crash and the smell of the sea salt in the air. At home we had this huge conch shell that my parents kept in their bedroom (a gift from someone). Sometimes I'd go into their room and press the shell up against my ear and listen to the sound of the ocean. I would always tell myself that if I ever got the chance I would live near a beach somewhere so I could listen to it every night.

Since moving to the Bay Area (Marin especially) I've lost count of the many times I've been to the beach. When we were dating it seemed like Mitch and I were at the beach almost every weekend. He lived only a few minutes away from Ocean Beach in San Francisco so we would load up the car with his surfboard and spend a Saturday morning or afternoon there. He would be out in the freezing cold water fighting for crappy waves (yay for Northern California) while I sat reading my book and occasionally checking on him to make sure he wasn't fighting with JabberJaw. Yes how I love the beach.

We did a shoot with some friends of ours and their daughter Corry. It was a nice overcast day at Muir Beach for some fun in the sand. There were holes dugged, sand fishes created and smashed, sand angels formed, and a seaweed mom-ster. By the end of the shoot we were all covered in sand but the important part was that we all had fun!

Sand sand everywhere, in your teeth and in your hair!