Mitch shooting under the Golden Gate Bridge while Luke supervises.
It has been raining for just about the entire week here in the Bay Area. We've even had a Tornado warning in certain parts (no Toto we are not in Kansas). With all this gloomy soggy weather it's been hard to get out and shoot but today Mother Nature gave us a break!
She must have known little Luke turned 2 months today because we saw actual sunshine! We quickly jumped in the Scoobie and went on a photo adventure (before Mother Nature changed her mind)!
We drove across the Golden Gate Bridge and then underneath to watch some spectacular waves and (first time I've seen this) a gaggle of surfers braving the dangerous rocks near the fort to catch them!
Now us NorCal peeps are hardcore when it comes to surfing because we surf in crap! That is stupid cold water and crappy waves. I quote this from Mitch since he is the surfer in the family. He took me out surfing once a few years ago. ONCE. The water was soo cold and the wet suit did not help. Even in the middle of summer. It also didn't help that my surfboard slipped from underneath me and decided to beat the snot out of me (and my head) in three feet of water. It took lifeguard Mitch to separate us. We no longer talk, the board and I.
Afterward we explored the fort and found a lot of interesting and amazing things. Almost the entire fort is made from brick and had amazing archways and spiral staircases. We probably only saw a quarter of what is there because it started to rain and had to leave. Rain does not go well with baby.
We had a lot of fun though and it definitely was an adventure. Especially for Luke. Who was asleep the entire time.