Luke is almost two months old now! I can't believe how time just flies when you're having fun. I'm almost getting the hang of this (this meaning the newborn stage). Well I guess he is no longer a newborn but now an infant, an infant with personality that is!
Today was the first day he actually went down for a nap in his own crib, during the day, all by himself! Well the sheep helped him (Sleep Sheep).
This was after I wore him down with an impromptu photoshoot for his fans, he apparently has several of them. I'm actually debating on maybe getting him a Twitter account so his fans can follow his every move. When he sleeps, when he eats, if he poops, and the ever so important... what is he wearing! (Today was Dr. Seuss.)
I've got to keep my eye on him sometimes because during his nap today he cried three times and every time I ran out of the office and into the room to check on him he'd give me a smile and close his eyes and go back to sleep! (I kid you not!).
Anyways back to the shoot. This baby LOVES the camera (already). He's only 7 weeks old but his eyes followed me at every angle and he smiled... a lot. He also didn't mind keeping an eye on the equipment for me while I took my breaks :)
And to answer the question--- I took only 74 shots.
That's not much, no really, it isn't.
Megs (and Baby Luke)
1 comment:
aww i love this blog and this pic! this is my fav onesie! <3
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