It has been one of my longest love. The smell of it. The touch of it. How it feels against my finger tips. I find so much beauty in paper. A friend's wedding invitation came in the mail yesterday and I was immediately reminded of how much I heart paper! I instantly fell in love with the address label. The invitation and reply cards were absolutely adorable! The words and theme just screamed their personality (and I loved it!).
I don't know what it is about paper. I collect stationary like nobody's business. I have three different types of thank you cards (different colors and styles and even language) and I will grab unique looking blank cards off the rack at stores (especially Ross *cough*sales*cough*). Oh and I also don't throw cards away - especially the beautiful ones! (Does that make me a hoarder?)
When we were planning our wedding I made the decision to make our invitations by hand and ordered all the materials from the Paper Source. I spent hours online at their website and went to both of their stores in San Francisco to look at patterns and colors and just to feel the card stock quality. Just talking about it makes me want to sit down and make invitations again! (Does anyone need me to make invitations for them? I have time-- sort of, well not really, shoot.)
Ok. I'll stop now or I'll do something I might regret- like go shopping. For paper.
I know paper kills trees and I'm a tree hugger. I will shamelessly buy non recycled paper though. The way I see it I don't throw paper away or if I do it gets recycled. Someone has to use the non recycled paper first in order for it to become recycled right? And that's where I step in :)
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