I will have to admit it's been a struggle to get back into shooting more. I just love being a Mom.
These past six months have gone by so quickly but filled with life changing events and milestones. I am so grateful and blessed to have the opportunity to be a full time mommy. I love the rewards of it. I have a happy and healthy baby. One who is quiet, smiles with his eyes, and loves everyone he meets.
As equally as important is Mitch. He is an amazing husband and an amazing father. One who gets up at 3 am (even though he has to get up a few hours later to head into the office) just to give me a break or come home after a day of work and cook dinner when I've had a bad day. He is always there to support me and to also push me (when I need it) to challenge myself. He is the most amazing man ever. (Sorry ladies he's taken!)
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending the Showit Freedom Tour in San Francisco with my friend and fellow photographer Jihan to see Jasmine Star our favorite Wedding Photographer. It was a small gathering of 70 photographers (some local and some far). Last time I tried to see her both Jihan and I were pregnant (I more than her) and I had to cancel since it was too far (Sacramento) and too close to my due date. Being able to final see her was a quest fulfilled (ok so that sounds dorky I know).
It was great to meet and talk to fellow photographers (ha I used 'fellow' when most of them were very talented and well known as opposed to little old me). Everyone was very nice and excited to be there.
I've attended meetings (most via satellite/online) before but to actually be sitting there and listening to Jasmine and Jessica Claire speak about important aspects of our businesses it was very inspirational. I wish I had taken my nice camera. Over half of the people who showed up had their SLRs while I tried to get decent photos on my point and shoot. (Low lighting + no flash = no bueno.)
At the end of the night I had a fuzzy iPhone photo of Jasmine and myself making funny faces and I had a small collection of business cards.
Now I didn't collect cards just so I could network and go have coffee with everyone (although that would be nice) but instead I collected them as momentos. I don't expect anyone to remember me but I remembered everyone. To me they all had a face and a story. The funny Tom Vo from San Jose (who sat next to me and got elbow jabbed every time I moved), the quiet teacher from Modesto (talk about a long drive), and Henry Sun who was warm and polite and took amazing photos from that night. I wanted to have slips of them to be remembered by.
I learned a lot that night and I learned a lot about myself. I love doing what I love. I love being a part of someone's history; an active a part of it. I may not be super famous or have hundreds of facebook and twitter fans but as long as I'm happy doing what I love and making others happy that's all I really want.

From Luke's 7 month shoot. He's working on being a champion sitter and hat model!