I had a huge crush on Mitch back then and walking among the hordes of family and kids I wondered if one day we would ever be one of "those people" (also known as a "family") (hey I was in my late 20's and time was a'tickin).
I remember sneaking looks at him and thinking he would make a great dad someday. During the kite flying competition we sat on this grassy hill overlooking dozens of kites on the ground and the kite flying area. I don't remember much of that afternoon but I do remember watching a group called Too Much Fun, a husband and wife team do a routine to the song "From This Moment" by Shania Twain. I can still close my eyes and picture it.
Two quad line kites standing up on the grass next to each other. The music starts and one flies slowly in to the air. Then the second slowly rises to join the other and they embrace. Throughout the song they encircle each other, embracing, touching, and following. At the end the kites slowly fall landing on each other and leaning on each other for support.
That routine just moved me so much that I ended up crying afterwards. I turned to look at Mitch and his eyes were as wet as mine. That was when I knew he was the one for me. A few years later at our wedding we danced our first dance to this song. Even to this day whenever this song is played we look at each other and smile.
(After writing this I ran to the internet to see if I can find any video of them doing this routine and I actually found one on their website! See here! I just busted out crying because I remembered it just like it was yesterday and had to show Mitch who got teary eyed too).
Last weekend, exactly six years after we had first went, we were once again back at the San Ramon Art and Wind festival. This time with Luke. We had become 'those people'.
Pushing Luke in his BOB stroller we made our way through the hordes of family and kids to the kite flying area.
And on his Dad's lap Luke watched in amazement as the kites took to the skies, sitting on the very same grassy hill that Mitch and I once sat on so many years ago.
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