Thursday, April 24, 2008


One of the things I love about living in Marin is the abundance of hiking trails and amazing views. Cascade Falls is one of my favorites. Tucked in and hidden somewhere in Mill Valley its most certainly is a very green place .

My favorite time to visit is right after a rainfall like in the above picture. Everything is moist and the air just smells of nature.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Partner

Some say behind a great man is a great woman. In this case it's the other way around.

Mitch has been my main support in my photography journey. He is not only my best friend and partner; he is also my equipment guy, tech guy, and website designer all rolled in one.

Above all of these things he is also a photographer himself.

See his photography at Mitch's Photography

In the meantime the main website is about %50 done. Thank you to all who have been waiting patiently.

Friday, April 18, 2008

First Post!

Thank you to my loving Mitch for poking me to start this photo blog. I hope everyone enjoys it (and I hope to post some great things here).

Much Love,
