Monday, September 15, 2008

Z(oom) Z(oom)

The Z enjoying a lovely sunset on top of Mt. Tamalpais.

A friend of ours had just gotten a new Z and wanted some nice photos of it so we took him (and the Z) up to Mt. Tamalpais for a lovely sunset photoshoot.

We had alot of fun doing this shoot and got some really nice shots for him. This is a really sexy car and I was thrilled to have had the chance to shoot it (and such a cooperative model too).



Monday, September 8, 2008

A Painter and the Moon

It's been rather hot here in the Bay area and there was finally some relief yesterday to the heat when the fog rolled in. Rather than basking in the coolness we grabbed the cameras and headed north, as in up Mount Tamalpais. It was just spectacular looking down on to the San Francisco coast line and seeing everything engulfed in fog.

An Artist painting the sunset on top of Mt. Tamalpais under a faint moon.