So one thing Luke has been practicing is his sitting skills. Tummy time is a whole other beast that he does not like to talk about. But sitting is okay with him ONLY because he get's a better view during his Dr. Oz Show in the morning (he's addicted!).
Now I know I don't need to mention how many photos we have of him (cough*hashisownharddrive*cough) but photos of him are usually taken during play and random times through out the day. He's not forced to sit in any position for long periods of time or required to work over time with no pay. It's as relaxed as the photoshoots that I do for my clients---and that is one of my favorite things.
To be able to take amazing shots of everyday life is one of the things I absolutely love about photography.
What a good-looking model!
Luke just LOVES the camera. He is such a Lindsay! hehe Talk about being in "character" with the baby drool hehe. Luuuv it!
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