I dream of writing long worded stories to where my readers are so deeply entranced they forget about time or space. Instead I hold my breath, hope they didn't get lost from all the confusion of where I'm going at with something, and then "oh shiny picture!". Don't talk to me about punctuations either. Sometimes I'll even indent and make another paragraph to distract.
If I had the time I would love to do writing exercises or even go to writing seminars and workshops. No one would have guess that not only am I a published photographer, I'm also a published writer (shhhhh don't tell anyone). I hide behind bad blog posts and good photographs.
I loved reading growing up (still do) so naturally writing was also a love of mine. I've had a novel trapped in my head for decades (gasp.. I'm old enough to say decades now) and I'm not throwing a release party anytime soon.
Writing is a form of expression just as photography is a form of expression and they both have similar goals: to tell a story. Whither I'm shooting a couple or ranting about how I lost Luke's favorite blanket while shopping (I still feel bad although I replaced it) , I'm telling a story.
I see myself as a photographer and as a storyteller. As cheesy as it sounds I do believe in my quote:
I believe we are our own story tellers, in our lives and in the lives of others.
Through photography time stands still for us and our stories live forever in them. -Megs
Through photography time stands still for us and our stories live forever in them. -Megs
And for those of you who are completely lost in this post: Look a photo!

Mitch showing Momo Jelly fishes for the first time. We are a science loving family!
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