Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love Day(s)

Valentine's day has always been a celebration of love for me. Either love for my family or love for that special someone. A long time ago someone once told me that I was a hopeless romantic and that I wasn't just wanting to be 'in love' but that I was in fact in love with being in love. For all intents and purposes they were actually right. I was in love with being in love.

Why wouldn't someone want to take on the adventure of 'in loveness'? How exciting and mysterious it can be. I have always been one to want to write my own love story and see it unfold. When I love, I love intensely and fiercely. I know it is the Cancer in me that drives me to be that way (whether I can help it or not).

When I shoot couples I'm always searching for that same excitement. Whether it be a quiet private smile or the "I'm so in love with you I want the whole world to see it" look, it all speaks to me. (I'll end my rant now or I'll keep going on and on and on.)

So this year, whether you are in love, married, or love a cat or dog (or any other animal) I hope you celebrate one of the beautiful things that life has to give us; and that is love.

Not just for the day it's set aside to be celebrated for, but every day.

Cheers to Love!


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